John de Ruiter Radio contains dialogues between John and those attending his meetings worldwide, from 1999 to the present. Deep, profound, and even light-hearted at times, these dialogues have changed the lives of many, opening a new perspective of the purpose of life. These talks are available as podcasts on iTunes and MP3 products on the John de Ruiter website.
Topics include Relationship, Parenting, Enlightenment & Awakening, Meditation, Life After Death, Unveiling Reality, Consciousness & Awareness, Death, Sexuality, Meaning of Life, Feelings & Emotions, Pain & Suffering, Health & Illness, Subconscious Mind, Human Evolution, Spirituality, Energy Centers / Chakras, Environment, Work, Money, What we Come Into After we Die, and more!
Dialogue and connection with John de Ruiter awakens unseen levels of consciousness and greater reality through core-splitting honesty. Meetings with John focus on openness and softness, okayness, and purity of heart to realize the full spectrum of human life, true being and inner peace evolving from the innermost to life as a person on earth.
Openings come and go, bringing with them great changes in perspective and love, yet in our selves things often stay the same. What can be done? John’s answer draws the questioner away from trying to change her self, showing her what really works: unconditional openness from the inside out.
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In the decades that John de Ruiter has been meeting and speaking with those who came to learn from him, he has answered many questions. Often the dialogues are about spirituality, philosophy and other metaphysical concerns. But he also answers questions about relationships, illness, money, sexuality, work and other topics.
Below you will find examples of many kinds of conversations between John and attendees of his meetings, both in-person and interactive live streams. They reflect the breadth and depth of what it means to speak with John. If you are considering a meeting with him, these can help you understand what to expect from John’s teachings, and what we can all learn from them.
What is enlightenment? Why purity of heart is greater than enlightenment. What comes after awakening? Living your awakening in relationship with others/workplace. Searching for truth. What is the soul?
“Enlightenment enables you to know and see from within you, opening right into consciousness. It transfers your whole field of perception out of everything that you’re familiar with, into a field of consciousness beyond your self.”
“Enlightenment is not everything. Great awakenings are not everything. Purity of heart is everything.”
“Purity of heart is the jewel of consciousness. It is worth more than any kind of awakening.”
“You need to belong to what you know you’ve awakened to. You need to be in the arms of awakening like a baby. You need to be held by it and nurtured by it. It needs to have all of your heart. Later, you’ll learn to walk.”
There are many levels of consciousness including the celestial and spirit realms, the subconscious and unconscious. John responds to questions about unusual experiences; the sense of an unknown more; who am I / what am I?; authenticity and what is oneness? The shift of consciousness in this world and the connectivity that happens when we awaken to ‘the calling’ and a greater reality coming into reality. The evolution of awareness.
“To evolve as awareness requires only one thing and that is awareness being one with knowing in the midst of any experience, ease or difficulty.”
“You are turning into what you’ve come from. The universe, the planet, nature, are turning into what they came from. The consciousness of form is changing.”
“It is an eventuality that everything, everyone, everywhere, will be one. The registrable change in our selves, the shift of the consciousness of everything has arrived.”
“When you are being awareness-pure from the inside out, you move from the inside out without restriction. You move, in the midst of anything, as love. All may suffer and fail, and you move as love.”
“The calling is, at very least, the resonance of what is greater than reality addressing reality. It means that it’s time for some most unusual perfect change.”
“What your body is for is to register, radiate and emanate what is before the universe, and its reason for it. Your body is able to completely register what is before all of existence and manifested in it. That’s an awakened and opened body.”
What are the chakras and how do they relate to enlightenment? John explains them as energy gates which control how much of our being we allow to enter our selves. Fully and unconditionally open, they form our light body.
“The chakras are like gates; they are gates in our body. The real function is from the inside out, so these are all gates of our being into our selves. The real function of the gates is all being-oriented.”
“As you are unconditionally opening within any circumstance in your life, everything in your life will address an energy centre. In that way, as you unconditionally open, all of your energy centres open bit by bit. That gives you your light body.”
“When you, awareness, are one with the truth within, the movement of what you really are from the innermost outwards is what opens all of your energy centres.”
John speaks of nature, planetary change and the connection with our deeper beingness. He speaks of how to be with environmental issues: climate change; starvation, pollution, disease.
“When you take seriously what you think and feel in your self about the world situation, you become, in some way, the same as that situation.”
“You can’t really build a different world until you have built a different self.”
“The being of this planet comes into real potential when we come into our beings and function as beings. That is how the being of this planet is dependent on us.”
“The life of the planet is the opportunity for everything on it to be what it first is, with all form. If this planet dies, the real loss will not be in the death of something but in any unrealized real opportunity, the opportunity of why we are here: for all to be all-one with all form.”
Real, genuine feeling vs. emotion. What is real love? Dealing with trauma; how to be free of frustration and anger, shame and jealousy? Negative emotions and how beliefs embodied in our nervous system create our experience. Real healing comes from unconditional openness and softness of heart. Deeper listening and the healing of depression and sadness.
“There are so many levels to love. The most recognizable level is the movement of most delicate and nurturing affection. As it goes deeper, love is the essence of openness and softness of heart.”
“Return to your heart in the midst of a depression and you alleviate your self of its importance. With that is the healing of your depression.”
“Your real life is not your self life, your worldly life, your relationship life: your real life is your heart life. And you let that fill your interior, your feelings, your emotions and your outer life.”
“Without belief you’ll have no negative emotions. Negativity is a defense of a belief.”
“Your real power isn’t in your thinking, in your mind, in your will or your emotion. Your real power is that you are able to open in the midst of anything.”
We are here for just a short time; our bodies are temporary. So what happens after death? John answers the question revealing what we really are and our sole purpose for being born, expanding on what it is to die before we die, while we live. Fear of death and anxiety about the loss of loved ones; being with someone who’s dying; karma.
“Death is an extremely important, very dear part of life. If dying isn’t present in your heart, you are not living.”
“Until death has opened you, you can’t really live. Until it’s opened you, you’ll be relating in life to what you like and what you don’t like. Your relationship to life will be polarized.”
“The meaning of death is for you to be warmly taken by what is so other than your self, for you to be completely taken by what is beyond your self. It’s all within, and it’s beyond your self. As you let it take you, the beyond, within, will come up into your self and take your self and it will take your life.”
John addresses mental and emotional disorders and questions about specific conditions including cancer. Poor health is no impediment to awakening; we can be ‘at home’ in a sick or dying body. How our nervous system is configured and the healing of trauma. We can be the deeper levels of the body, gloriously alive in any physical condition. COVID 19 and the world situation as an opportunity to relate deeper within.
“Let your health and the lack of health belong to your deeper bodies and not to how you experience your self. Then, as your health decreases or increases, you are evolving as awareness, which is the real value of both sickness and health.”
“COVID19 is a worldwide opportunity to realize something a little bit more that’s really difficult to come by: to realize the truth, within, because of the invitation that’s present within this extreme worldwide event to relate to something that’s other than what affects our selves, other than fear, other than hope, other than survival. There’s the invitation to quietly realize, within, in a way that’s new, and it stands on its own.”
“The healing of the mind, the emotions, the will, the body, the nervous system, is all a fruit of being. It is the result of you being what you really are in the midst of absolutely any mental or emotional condition.”
Exploring our relationship with money; uncovering the real purpose of money, understanding the energy of money. Making money for what is deeper. The exchange of money is to be an exchange of beingness, giving and receiving. Then money becomes a warm flow instead of being cold, hard cash.
“There is a beingness to money. Find it. Have a relationship with the beingness of what money is. That is having a real relationship with the love in money, instead of the love of money.”
“Money is an energy that needs to be integrated, which means you learning how to be genuinely comfortable with it, so that it can within you, be a warm flow. If anything about money feels wrong or uncomfortable then it is not about the money; it is about something in you.”
“Be open to being gentle with your money. Then the energy of what money is, is open and soft within you. Instead of money and the energy of it being cold within you, let money and the energy of it within you be warm – warm, living cash, instead of cold cash.
Spiritual teachers: are they all the same? Searching for truth and feeling stuck on the spiritual path; do meditation and spiritual practices help? How to be with dark energies and unusual experiences.
“You being everything that is real requires no path, no therapy, no healing, no techniques, no change of your self. This requires only you being completely rested, as awareness, in your heart.”
“It’s a life of you being what you really are in the midst of a genetic self and a body that isn’t yet like you, so this doesn’t need to go well in your experience. This needs to go well only for what you really are.”
“Don’t listen to teachings. Listen only to what directly speaks to what you know the truth of.”
How can I live my awakening in the workplace? Difficulty in the workplace. Is it important to have goals and be successful? Quitting jobs: what’s the right work for me?
“It doesn’t really matter what kind of work you do. What matters more than your choice of work or your experience at work is what real depth you’re coming from and bringing into your work.”
“It doesn’t matter what job you have. What really matters is what are you being in your work? On your deathbed it won’t matter to you what you have done with your life. What will matter to you is what you have done with your heart.”
“It isn’t the kind of profession that you have that makes you flourish. It’s what you are coming from within that makes you flourish. Then everything that you step into turns into your garden.”
How to deal with an abusive past. Receiving injury and hurt. A clean piercing of the heart vs. emotional pain which originates from personal issues and narratives. The real purpose of pain. Emotional pain is an invitation to something much deeper. Opening and softening in your heart in the midst of pain. Pain doesn’t hurt you, it helps you know more deeply.
“When you open and soften within, the pain just simply goes in and it’s answered by your own beingness. The deeper the pain, the more depth of your own being is drawn up into your heart and fills your self.”
“Put love into an easy life or a terrible life: both are lives full of love. There really isn’t a difference. Love doesn’t suffer.”
“If you’re really listening, within, what pain tells you is “not that way.” It’s really a kindness.
The pain inside, the suffering inside, is all the result of a false investment; you investing in your self, even if it’s based on the truth within.
Life purpose: why are we here? The opportunity of embodying what is eternal; the development of your soul; your evolution as awareness; are goals and success important? What is true love? The transformation of humanity; how to be real in a crazy world?
“When you can be happy without any reason at all, you are just beginning to fulfill your life’s purpose.”
“The opening of your heart is the beginning of you coming into what you really are.”
“It doesn’t require any of your strength to stay in your heart. It requires all of your weakness.”
“What matters supremely in our lives is what we are being in the midst of our selves, in the midst of what we’re experiencing, and in the midst of our circumstances.”
Should I have a child? Pregnancy, what a baby needs, and how to be really together with your child; helping a child deal with stress and difficulty; saying ‘no’ and setting boundaries; being with your handicapped child.
“The greatest thing that matters in parenting is your relationship, because that is what is feeding your child.”
“If you are always giving your heart while being seen, giving your heart in a quieted way without embellishment, your child will know that it doesn’t have to do anything for love. Your child will grow up not being performance-oriented.”
“It doesn’t matter what you think and it doesn’t matter what you say. What you are being is what you are teaching them.”
“It’s the quiet, lived-in, warm truths in your heart that provide the juiciest parenting.”
John answers questions about relationships with intimate partners and family members, the connectivity that matters most in being together with another. What is the purpose of marriage, and what’s the best way to deal with the difficulties that arise? Divorce, separation and the eternal nature of a bond.
“A relationship can end. A bond survives everything, including death.”
“When you’re together, begin with all that is there after the two of you have died and in that, together, live. That’s a real relationship.”
“Live finding in each other what you haven’t yet found, seeing each other in a way that you haven’t yet seen, reaching within to find the more. In the more, you find the more of each other.”
“A real relationship is where the humanness between the two of you is your ground of being together; that your way, together, is through connective dearness; that everything in your selves is secondary to that.”
What is sexuality for? John makes the distinction between sexuality connected to the self and to appetites, to attraction and aversion, and deeper sexuality which is connected to the heart, the being and deeper. What is real love-making? Shame and judgment around sexuality. Healing from sexual abuse. What are the ‘sexual fields?’ Sexual orientation.
“Sexuality isn’t dependent on sex. You don’t need sex for sexuality because sexuality has to do with your real capacity to be one with something. So if you look at it from that perspective, it’s completely different than your experience of sexuality in terms of the appetite that chemistry brings about in your body. That’s your experience of sexuality. That’s not really what sexuality is.”
“Your sexuality is the most powerful engine of your humanness. If you give permission for your sexuality to unconditionally awaken and you connect all of its movement to your being, your being will move as your sexuality through all of your body and all of your self.”
“Your sexuality, contrary to your experience, first has nothing to do with your self. The beginning of its meaning has to do with your heart, and all of the rest of the meaning belongs to your being.”
“Instead of connecting your sexuality to your self – to thinking and feeling, emotion and will – connect your sexuality to your heart. Let it return to your heart and get to know your sexuality. It’s really your capacity, in form, to meet and commune.”
“A relationship can end. A bond survives everything, including death.”
“When you’re together, begin with all that is there after the two of you have died and in that, together, live. That’s a real relationship.”
“Live finding in each other what you haven’t yet found, seeing each other in a way that you haven’t yet seen, reaching within to find the more. In the more, you find the more of each other.”
“A real relationship is where the humanness between the two of you is your ground of being together; that your way, together, is through connective dearness; that everything in your selves is secondary to that.”
How can I live my awakening in the workplace? Difficulty in the workplace. Is it important to have goals and be successful? Quitting jobs: what’s the right work for me?
“It doesn’t really matter what kind of work you do. What matters more than your choice of work or your experience at work is what real depth you’re coming from and bringing into your work.”
“It doesn’t matter what job you have. What really matters is what are you being in your work? On your deathbed it won’t matter to you what you have done with your life. What will matter to you is what you have done with your heart.”
“It isn’t the kind of profession that you have that makes you flourish. It’s what you are coming from within that makes you flourish. Then everything that you step into turns into your garden.”
What is sexuality for? John makes the distinction between sexuality connected to the self and to appetites, to attraction and aversion, and deeper sexuality which is connected to the heart, the being and deeper. What is real love-making? Shame and judgment around sexuality. Healing from sexual abuse. What are the ‘sexual fields?’ Sexual orientation.
“Sexuality isn’t dependent on sex. You don’t need sex for sexuality because sexuality has to do with your real capacity to be one with something. So if you look at it from that perspective, it’s completely different than your experience of sexuality in terms of the appetite that chemistry brings about in your body. That’s your experience of sexuality. That’s not really what sexuality is.”
“Your sexuality is the most powerful engine of your humanness. If you give permission for your sexuality to unconditionally awaken and you connect all of its movement to your being, your being will move as your sexuality through all of your body and all of your self.”
“Your sexuality, contrary to your experience, first has nothing to do with your self. The beginning of its meaning has to do with your heart, and all of the rest of the meaning belongs to your being.”
“Instead of connecting your sexuality to your self – to thinking and feeling, emotion and will – connect your sexuality to your heart. Let it return to your heart and get to know your sexuality. It’s really your capacity, in form, to meet and commune.”
“A relationship can end. A bond survives everything, including death.”
“When you’re together, begin with all that is there after the two of you have died and in that, together, live. That’s a real relationship.”
“Live finding in each other what you haven’t yet found, seeing each other in a way that you haven’t yet seen, reaching within to find the more. In the more, you find the more of each other.”
“A real relationship is where the humanness between the two of you is your ground of being together; that your way, together, is through connective dearness; that everything in your selves is secondary to that.”
John de Ruiter has brought his teachings to many places around the world. These events, including discussions between John and those seeking spiritual guidance, are the source material for John de Ruiter Radio. Here are a few of the cities and countries visited by John over the thirty years that he has made himself available in this way.
John travelled to India for the first time in 1999, spending several weeks giving meetings in Pune. Many years later, he was invited to host an event at a private retreat centre close to Tiruvannamalai, an ancient temple town near holy mount Arunachala. Satsangs were held daily in two formats. Morning Satsang at the Sri Seshadri Swamigal Ashram. Evening Satsang is held at Sri Anantha Niketan Ashram.
At the foot of the Himalayas along the sacred Ganges river, open Satsangs with John in the ancient city of Rishikesh provide a profound opportunity to uncover the deeper purpose of your existence.
In late Summer each year, John hosted a multi-day camping trip in the stunning Canadian Rocky Mountains. In daily meetings and open mics, John responded to questions from attendees, delving into the very purpose of existence and the realization of profound meaning. John and his wife Leigh Ann attended meals with small groups, discussing meaning in life, practical topics and enjoying time together. Around the sessions with John, there was time to roam the campground, meet others who are living for the same essence and relax among the trees, go for a hike, or swim in the glacier lake down the mountain trail. These events featured campfires, entertainment, dancing, and even a movie night under the stars!
Since 1999, the Edmonton Seminars have been the highlight of each season for those following John’s teachings. Seminars with John are several days of meetings, usually with two meetings each day and include time in the cafe. Over so many days, major themes emerge as questioners draw from previous talks. Like the threads of discussion, the energy develops as well. This daily immersion offers the opportunity to come to rest in the most profound way, allowing what you know in your heart to open into your consciousness.
In 1998, John was invited to the UK for a series of events in different towns and cities. Shortly after that trip, invitations to give meetings in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria followed. Over the last three decades John has travelled regularly to these countries, sometimes for just one evening of meetings and other times for multi-day retreats venues like Moen Retreat Centre, Denmark and Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg, Germany.
In February 2009, John was invited to give meetings in Tel Aviv, Israel. Since then, John has travelled to Israel twice a year each year and sometimes more. His events have been held at several venues including Neve Shalom and at kibbutzs in Yehiam and Tuval. The first live-streamed meetings were held in Tel Aviv and broadcast to the meeting hall in Edmonton. The popular outdoor “open mic” format for sessions with John was also started at events in Israel.
John’s events in Australia were mostly held in vibrant Byron Bay but over the decade of trips ‘down under’, he also hosted events in Sydney and Melbourne. John also accepted an invitation to teach in Auckland, New Zealand.
Though John de Ruiter meets with large groups, in his online interactive meetings JdR often focuses on one-on-one dialogues, allowing attendees to ask him specific questions and receive direct, personalized responses. The following is an excerpt that exemplifies JdR’s style of conversation.
Q1 : John, what is the difference between you and plant medicine? I know the black, or let’s say the very pitch dark black which frightens me as well, from a plant medicine called Iboga. I wanted to know if it’s drawing me, bringing me to the same place or space as you are bringing people? And if yes, then why can a plant do this?
It isn’t that a plant can do that. A plant can, biologically, chemically, dissolve your artificial self, laying you bare.
Q1: It seems like with you, or even with myself when I’m alone and when I explore these regions, it seems like something is in the way.
Your values. Values that you didn’t come into a body with; they’re adopted.
Q1: But when a plant is here, she can pull me through the door and I cannot stay on this side. It’s only a matter of time, she pulls me through it and you or by myself, of course I come into some depth. Do you have the power to pull me through whether I want to or not?
No. Consciousness is so gentle. A plant is not. A plant doesn’t work with you, it just does to your body what it does. You’re not involved.
Q1: You mean me, awareness?
A plant will just biologically unmask you. Consciousness will not.
Q1: So it’s another door.
It isn’t a real door because it doesn’t move with you. It just mercilessly strips you of your self.
Q1: Right. Does it lead to another place, the plant and you?
That leaves you with what you’ve known before, but that’s just a result. It’s not taking you into what you’ve known before.
Q1: It leads me to what I’ve known before?
It leaves you in what you’ve known before. It strips you of your self and there you are knowing what you have known before. It’s not consciously moving the results. It’s not working with you, it’s not moving with you. It’s just acting on your body.
Q1: And where is me in that process?
Spit out of your self. When consciousness moves it, love breathes you right into the real, it doesn’t breathe you out of your self; it breathes you into the real.
Q1: But I can only go as deep as I already know, so where’s the difference?
Then you are going only as deeply within as what you know. You also know the presence of the more, the presence of the unknown. It’s like when you look into the midnight sky, looking into the stars. As soon as you’re quieted within you’re not so much an observer, you’re just directly affected. You know the unknown: it’s without content, without information, without your self, without your life – but you respond to it.
Q1: Seems like this is the threshold. So you said, you cannot pull me through without my permission. So do you need my permission then?
I can’t bring you into unknown love without you, love. It’s essentially your permission.
Q1: It appears that I have to stop something in me to be that.
If you stop something, you’re engaging your self. You engage the stop.
Q1: So the black is primarily the draw or the call, let’s call it the draw. The draw is coming out of the black.
By connecting to the same in you.
Q1: I don’t get that.
Which has you inadvertently exiting your self.
Q1: It is so physical in the area of the chest. It seems like the key is to not go with the feelings. It seems like feelings are same as thoughts, they’re just old, recycled. Can you please speak?
I am, addressing you. It’s a language, direct to what you really are, to you, that your self doesn’t know.
Q1: So self can be here, it doesn’t matter?
And with you, it’s like subtle yet direct, heavenly pillow talk.
Q1: Heavenly what?
Pillow talk. Love talk.
Q1: Is this like I know? Is it real?
Is it of nurturing depth and quality?
Q1: Not to my self.
That’s beside the point.
Q1: Your face is moving. It’s like I look into a tunnel. You are the garbage man.
No, the gardener.
Q1: And it’s spring. Do what you need to do, to make it known. You once said a seed is everything. The body feels very light now. I see me now from outside, somehow. It’s falling in the black. It seems like the cup is full.
Without being stripped of your self. I include your self and your garbage, right where I find the gold that’s in it.
Q1: You are so bright. You are the bright white gardener light.